Creating robust strategies for a changing world

Successful strategies drive change. They move business, people, preference and perception.

The future keeps coming at us. Executives are often challenged by the speed of change and many of them end up regarding their strategies constraining rather than invigorating. We believe in putting strategy at the heart of every change you contemplate. We believe that you can out-think your competition using insights, creativity and thoughtful imagination.

Too often strategy is perceived as a product rather than a process. With focus on predicting the future rather than creating it.

Developing a compelling strategy isn’t necessarily easy, but there is a tendency to overcomplicate matters considerably. So, focus on what get’s you forward and keep it simple.

“Imagining the future may be more important than analyzing the past. I dare say companies today are not resource-bound, they are imagination-bound.”


Analysing, developing, planning and implementing business & brand strategy projects.


Brand activation, communication campaigns, issues management and crisis management.


Business & brand development, value chain re-engineering and entrepreneurship.

We embed ourselves into your reality

We help brand owners, corporations, organisations and policy makers re-think and calibrate their strategies. The target is to establish and maintain relevance. By out-thinking the competition.

We operate in the field of international strategic business development, brand building and activation, issues and campaign management. We are insight-driven and passionate about making a difference for our clients and partners. So whoever you are, whatever business you are in, there is a solution to your strategic challenge, and we can help you in the process.


Insight-driven strategic development

Strategic management is customizing a process leading to a plan that will allow your company to navigate safely into the future. A plan that will enable you and your company to satisfy your ambition. Or the ambition of your owners, your board of directors or whomever you report to.

Strategic leadership, however, is all about taking a stance. It’s about carving out exactly the future you, your stakeholders and especially your customers want you to have. It is a matter of creatively exploring your potential in a bold, yet realistic way. Strategic leadership leads to emergent and dynamic strategies through iterative processes of trial and error. And it will lead you to fail earlier, in order to succeed faster.

In a suitable combination the two disciplines will provide you both strategic rigour and creativity at the same time.



Your stakeholders have something to say and you need to listen

In all communication context is king. That’s why all stakeholders should be treated with the utmost respect, messages relevance and professional consideration. Timing is often crucial to success and strategically anchored execution of your communication is therefore highly relevant.

There are no more absolute truths anymore. As a consequence strategic communication is often a task of producing arguments for one particular point of view in a given debate. Sometimes you initiate the debate, the campaign or the dialogue, and sometimes you are forced into arguing your case with your back against the wall. Either way we can help you navigate, formulate and communicate appropriately.



Innovation is not just connecting everything to the Internet

Innovation is a mind-set. And practicing innovation makes you better at it. Companies often set out to innovate their businesses out of fear, pressure or necessity. But whatever the reason innovation is one of the key elements of growth and development. It unlocks potential, reveals opportunity and triggers ingenuity in organizations.

Innovation produces long term profitability and compelling organizational momentum. And whether the sought after innovation is user-driven (market pull), technology-driven (technology push) or brand-driven (experience push/pull) we can help you plan and navigate the process.



However beautiful the strategy, one should occasionally look at the results.

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